Complete each sentence with a verb in the correct form, - ing or to 1. they the work before 5 o'clock. a) finishing b) to finish 2. i have lost my job so i 'll have to get used much less. a) spending b) to spend 3. julia is interested her own business. a) starting b) to start 4. i don't mind
saturdays if i can have a day off during the week. a) to work b) working 5. did the company a permanent contract? a) giving b) to give 6. i regret much money last week. a) spending b) to spend

EseniaVoznesenskaya EseniaVoznesenskaya    3   07.10.2019 12:10    1

хома79 хома79  10.10.2020 01:30

1 - b

2 - a

3 - a

4 - b

5 - b

6 - a

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