Complate the sentences with the correct word. circle it we spent of time at the seaside. 1) many 2) a few 3) a lot 2. there are new subjects in the timeetable. 1) a few 2) mush 3) a little 3. there isn't homework for tomorrow. 1) mush 2) many 3) a few 4. usually there is snow during winter in great britain. 1) a few 2) many 3) a little 5. i want to know foreign languages. 1) a little 2) a lot of 3) much 6. how students are there in the class 1) a few 2) mush 3) many

дар70 дар70    3   25.05.2019 09:40    1

Aksa2101 Aksa2101  01.10.2020 11:24
We spent of time at the seaside.
  3) a lot

2. There are new subjects in the timeetable. 
1) a few  
4. Usually there is snow during winter in Great Britain.
     3) a little

5. I want to know foreign languages. 
  3) much

6. How students are there in the class
    3) many