Compare the Situations. Use any appropriate verb form (Conditional 1,2,3). Pay attention to the context. 1. If the phone rings, I … (pick) up the receiver? 2. We … (not, have) problems if I … (remember) to lock the door yesterday. 3. … you (be) disappointed if I … (not, come) to the party tomorrow? 4. We … (not, go) to the mountains if there … (be) no snow for these holidays. 5. What … (happen) if I drank this? 6. If anything … (go ) wrong, … (come) and … (tell) me. 7. If I … (be) you, I … (not, accept) his proposal. 8. They … (succeed) if they … (have) some help. Unfortunately this didn’t happen. 9. It’s a pity you didn’t come on Sunday. If you … (come), we … (enjoy) ourselves greatly. 10. … (let) me know at once as soon as you … (arrive). 11. I would be much obliged if you … (lend) me some money. 12. You … (help) me if I needed help? 13. People … (be) amazed if the sun … (rise) in the west and … (set) in the east. 14. In case you … (feel) unwell, … (take) this medicine. 15. I … (watch) this film yesterday if I … (know) about it. 16. Robert failed his exams. If he … (be) made to work harder, he … (succeed). 17. I … (cope) with the task provided he … (help) me. 18. You look pale! If you … (have) time, … (go) to see the doctor. 19. If it … (not, rain) so heavily last Sunday, I … (not, get) wet and … (fall) ill. 20. Last evening I … (lie) in bed if I … (not, have) work to do. 21. This summer we went to the seaside. We … (bathe and swim) more if the temperature … (not, be) so low. 22. We … (sit) down for dinner only when he … (come). 23. I didn’t know his address, otherwise I … (invite) him. 24. If you … (call) her yesterday, you … (not, be) late now. 25. … (tell) him to keep us company unless he … (be) busy. 26. Unfortunately I missed yesterday’s ceremony. I … (be) present if I … (invite) beforehand. 27. If you … (wear) thicker clothes, you wouldn’t feel the cold. 28. I … (catch) a cold if I stay out any longer. 29. If he … (break) the promise, we would regard him a coward. 30. She was late. If she … (come) earlier, he … (not, say) such things. 31. It’s her secret. She … (be) angry if you …(tell) him. Thank God, you were wiser. 32. Patricia should be more diligent. She … (get) promotion if she … (work) harder.

Bastricov Bastricov    1   24.04.2021 19:01    0

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