Comlete the dialogues. use the verds from the box. can-can't-may-must-should 1) - i come in? -no,you mae not. you are late. you come to class earlier. 2) - tom, you help your mother now ? - yes,dad. by the way, i always help her. i know that children help their parents. 3) -jane,your grandad is ill. he is in hospital. you visit him. you do it today? -no, mum, i i'll go there tomorrow.

bryushkovadash bryushkovadash    1   29.07.2019 15:40    2

Нрататоаооаоп Нрататоаооаоп  07.09.2020 22:27
1)may,must; 2)can,should; 3)should,can,can't
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