Collect Information about natural remedies
in Kazakhstan. Think about: name - what it is good for. Use the information to make a poster and display it in the classroom. даю

sassshaaa sassshaaa    2   21.04.2020 09:17    3

kimhakip09577 kimhakip09577  21.04.2020 09:30

Сбор информации о природных средствах

в казахстане. Подумайте: имя - для чего это нужно. Используйте информацию, чтобы сделать плакат и показать его в классе.

adelina121212 adelina121212  21.04.2020 09:30

Astana hosted an international research and practical conference dedicated to the classical and complementary medicine where treatments using non-traditional methods and natural sources were presented. Scientists and leading health experts from 18 countries attended the event. Specialists from Europe, Asia and Africa discussed innovative methods of treatments, latest technologies, development of cooperation in medical tourism and modern methods of alternative treatment

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