Collect information about another lake. Use these headings: name - width - depth - borders location - waters - home to - interesting facts. Write a short text about it for the school's English magazine (60-80 words).

Соберите информацию о другом озере. Используйте эти заголовки: имя - ширина - глубина - расположение границ - водоемы - дом - интересные факты. Напишите об этом небольшой текст для школьного журнала на английском языке (60-80 слов).

mastervydy mastervydy    2   24.11.2020 16:12    7

cobaka2705 cobaka2705  24.12.2020 16:13
Lake Lama is a large freshwater lake in the Krasnoyarsk territory, in the South of the Taimyr peninsula, of tectonic origin. The length of the lake is 80 kilometers, the maximum width is 14, the area is 318 sq. km. the Lake is very deep (over 300 meters, in some places, perhaps up to 600 meters), clean water and its low temperature. On the shores of the lake there are mountains with a height of 400-600 meters or more. The name of the lake comes from the tungus-manchu word "laamu" - sea, ocean or evenk "lamu" - sea, big water
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