Cочинение тему "наводнение" 10 предложений на языке которое легко учить для 8 класса.

sofitit0410 sofitit0410    3   17.07.2019 18:30    0

ЛяЛлля ЛяЛлля  21.09.2020 19:26
Flood is a natural disaster. For people, who are directly affected by it, it can be devastating. There are several reasons for floods. One of them is excessive raining. At other times it is caused by the overflow of rivers or dam breaks. At any case it has negative outcomes, which lead to environmental and economic loses. As a result land gets washed away, houses are destroyed, people and animals die. Floods are directly connected with climate and geography of the area. Some places are more exposed to heavy rains than others. For example, Bangladesh and the Philippines are under constant threat of floods.
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