Classify the words in accordance with the type of word-segmentability they refer to: 1) complete segmentability; 2) conditional segmentability; 3) defective segmentability.
Remain, fraction, shorten, nameless, pretend, assist, lifeless, mirror, friendliness, proceed, retain, carefulness, receive, stressful, strawberry, hostage, overweight, dismiss, pocket, spacious, detail, manic, effectiveness, discuss.

starpuckstarpuck starpuckstarpuck    3   30.05.2023 22:57    1

еденорожек12 еденорожек12  30.05.2023 22:58


Here are the classifications of the words according to their type of word-segmentability:

1) Complete segmentability:

- Fraction

- Shorten

- Pretend

- Assist

- Mirror

- Proceed

- Retain

- Receive

- Dismiss

- Pocket

- Spacious

- Detail

- Effectiveness

- Discuss

2) Conditional segmentability:

- Remain

- Nameless

- Friendliness

- Carefulness

- Stressful

- Strawberry

- Hostage

- Overweight

3) Defective segmentability:

- Lifeless

- Manic

Note: The classification of words into these categories is based on their ability to be segmented into recognizable morphemes or meaningful units. Complete segmentability means the word can be segmented into meaningful parts, conditional segmentability means the word can be segmented under certain conditions or with specific affixes, and defective segmentability means the word cannot be easily segmented into meaningful units.

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