Class: Listening. Task 1. You hear a girl called Steffie talking about the people she knows. What does she say about each person? Choose the correct answer: a, b or c. 1 Emma is Steffie's a aunt b cousin c friend 2 Julia's hair is a fair b red c dark 3 David is not very and he's got long hair. a tall b old c short 4 Harry is Steffie's a dad b brother c uncle 5 Steffie is than Joe. a older b taller c funnier of the words in br в плюсах

Class: Listening. Task 1. You hear a girl called Steffie talking about the people she knows. What do

впапорпорпрорп впапорпорпрорп    1   26.11.2021 14:20    2

Сашакозлов13лет Сашакозлов13лет  26.11.2021 14:30

Это не как не сделаешь если ты не слышишь разговора

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