Circle the correct words. i ve got/ "s got one brother and two sisters. my brother ve got / "s got a girlfriend/ my parents has got / have got a lot of brothers and sisters,so we "ve got / "s got twelve cousns- all boys! we haven"t got / hasn"t got a big house,so for family parties everyone visits our grand parents.they "s got / "ve got a great house for parties!

Cказочник Cказочник    2   03.09.2019 17:20    5

Theknopa444 Theknopa444  06.10.2020 15:15
I have got one brother and two sisters.
My brother has got a girlfriend.
My parents have got a lot of brothers and sisters , so we have got twelve cousins - all boys! We haven't got a big house, so for family parties everyone visits our grandparents. They have got a great house for parties!
kolyakorolev kolyakorolev  06.10.2020 15:15
I've got one brother and two sisters
My brother's got a girlfriend
My parents have got a lot of brothers and sisters, so we've got twelve cousins - all boys
We haven't got a big house, so for family parties everyone visits our grand parents.
They've got a great house for parties
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