* Circle the correct words. 2 The square was really impressive/ crowded because there were too many people watching the fireworks.
3 The bride looked stunning / colourful in her simple white wedding dress.
4 Lots of the dancers were dressed like zombies. They were quite traditional / scary.
5 Look! The street decorations are really impressive / peaceful. Absolutely amazing!
6 Although the festival is very traditional / atmospheric, a lot of young people take part.
7 After the big parade had gone by, the streets were stunning/ peaceful again.
8 The dancers' costumes were so crowded / colourful . I took some great pictures.

Kir2905 Kir2905    1   12.09.2021 10:14    3

ufs09225 ufs09225  12.09.2021 10:20

crowded, colorful, scary, impressive, atmospheric, were stunning, colorful.

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