Circle the correct item. 1) when we need/will need food, we usually go/will go to the supermarket. 2) if this exercise is/will be too difficult for you, you should/will should ask your friend to help you. 3) if/when the weather is rainy tomorrow, we won't go boating. 4) she will find a good job if/when she graduates from university. 5) if alex finishes/will finish his work early, he comes/will come to our party. 6) jane will return you the book if/when she finishes reading it. 7) we miss/will miss the train if we don't/won't catch a taxi. 8) sue always helps/will help me with cooking when she has/will have time. 9) when they have/will have enough money, they buy/will buy a new car. 10) if the film is/will be interesting, i always watch/will watch it up to the end.

fdgtrg4gewf fdgtrg4gewf    2   28.09.2019 13:40    27

dolbaeb2k00 dolbaeb2k00  09.10.2020 00:45

1 when we need food we usually go

2 if this exercise is too difficult you should ask your friends to help you

3 if

4 when

5 finoshes he will come

6 when

7 will miss if we don't

8 helps, has has

9 will have will buy

10 Is watch

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