Circle the correct item. 1) When Frank entered the room, his sister was watering/had watered the flowers. 2) When Frank entered the room, his sister was already watering/had already watered the flowers. 3) They packed/had packed the suitcase by six o'clock yesterday. 4) While she was speaking/had speaking/had spoken to her friend her son was watching/ had watched the football players. 5) Anna took/ had taken her mobile phone and put/had put it into her handbag.

21ololoha 21ololoha    2   10.04.2021 20:58    1

nector nector  10.05.2021 21:00

1) When Frank entered the room, his sister was watering the flowers.

2) When Frank entered the room, his sister had already watered the flowers.

3) They had packed the suitcase by six o'clock yesterday.

4) While she was speaking to her friend her son was watching the football players.

5) Anna took her mobile phone and put it into her handbag.

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