Circle the correct item. 1) there will be a great terror/horror film on next friday. 2) all the critics said that this wildlife programme was really interested/interesting not only for teenagers. 3) my mother phoned me while i was watching an exciting/excited reality show. 4) they were so boring/bored with the film that they left the cinema without watching/seeing it till the end. 5) i was shocking/shocked when i heard about the flood in the crimea. 6) mary was interested/interesting to learn whether the actor who starred/starring in her favourite film had been given a prize.

rekomc rekomc    2   27.06.2019 09:50    1

ник200781 ник200781  02.10.2020 13:02
1) horror
2) interesting
3) excited
4)bored, seeing
5) shocked
6) interested, starred
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