* Circle the correct item.
1 Larry to Los Angeles on Saturday. He's got
his tickets.
A is travelling B going to travel
C travels
2 around the Greek islands next year.
A am going to sail B sailing
C sail
3 We ancient ruins when we visit Bolivia.
A are exploring B will explore
C is going to explore
4 That suitcase looks heavy. I it for you.
A going to carry
B am carrying
C will carry
5 No clouds in the sky. It another sunny day.
A is going to be
B is being
с be
6 I think I to bed. I'm tired.
A am going B going to go
C will go

Гогенцоллерн Гогенцоллерн    2   31.10.2020 12:19    145

mukhibamuz14 mukhibamuz14  30.11.2020 12:19

1. B



4. C


6. C

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