Cicle the correct verb and cicle the correct verb and fill in the gaps. 1.why have tv? -l wanted to see the film. a)turned bask b)turned off c)turned up 2.somebody called his name and he saw nobody. a)turned out be b)turned into c)turned back 3.she has been ill for a month.her diffcult for her. a)turned b)turned down c)turned out to be 4.he was offered help.but a)turned off b)turned it down c)turned back 5.he . a)turns down b)turns up c)turns back the film beauty and the beast the a handsome prince. a)turns into b)turns up c)turned down 7.excuse me, can you tell me where the bookshop is? - go down the shreet and . a)turned b)turn c) turn up

tarasovdanila tarasovdanila    3   30.05.2019 05:00    3

АрТёМкА945 АрТёМкА945  29.06.2020 22:12
1 c)turned up   2.c)turned back   3.c)turned out to be   4.b)turned it down        5.b)turns up      6. a)Turns into      7.b)turn 
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