Что правильно вставить? complete the sentences with a, an, some or any. 1. has he got … problems with the equipment? 2. please give me … more details. 3. send me … e-mail as soon as you arrive. 4. the company hasn’t got … customers in this country. 5. there is … printer in the office, but there aren’t … fax machines. 6. i’m free on tuesday, but i’ve got … meetings on wednesday

deniscv0808 deniscv0808    3   14.09.2019 20:30    1

kurakin99 kurakin99  07.10.2020 15:10
1. Has he got any problems with the equipment?
2. Please give me some more details.
3. Send me an e-mail as soon as you arrive.
4. The company hasn’t got any customers in this country.
5. There is a printer in the office, but there aren’t any fax machines.
6. I’m free on Tuesday, but I’ve got some meetings on Wednesday.
Енотик83 Енотик83  07.10.2020 15:10
1. any
2. some
3. an
4. any
5. a
6. some
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