Choose the word that you think is right(in some cases both are possible) tun(s)-can(s) 1.he opened a of coke.2.i cant find the of beans i bought many of tomateos shall i buy to spoil-to ruin(and their forms) 4.the cook the soup as he had rut a lot of of salt in.5.after the war many towns and villages were .the food will if you dont keep it cool.4.grandmothers often their frandchildren.

Анастасия4111 Анастасия4111    3   28.05.2019 04:40    4

masnikovau597 masnikovau597  25.06.2020 14:51
tin - UK, can - USA
1. He opened a tin/can of coke.
2. I can't find the tin/can of beans I bought yesterday.
3. How many tins/cans of tomateos shall I buy?
4. The cook spoiled the soup as he had put a lot of salt in.
5. After the war many towns and villages were ruined.
6 .The food will get spoiled if you don't keep it cool.
7. Grandmothers often spoil their grandchildren.
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