Choose the right verb to make the questions complete
do, does, did, am is, are, have, has, will
you like sausages?
you ever been to brazil?
helen phone you last sunday?
robert got a brother?
john sitting next to you?
you seen this film?
you understand me?
8 what you looking for here?
9 where they go last summer?
10 where
your mother from?
11 ! " : you done any mistakes in the test?
12 where he go every evening?
13 07 the children still sleeping?
14 who locked the door?
15 how much the trainers? ​

gabenew gabenew    2   26.11.2019 07:14    1

Keksic0066 Keksic0066  10.10.2020 16:08
1. Do 2. Have 3. Did 4. Has 5. Is 6. Have 7. Do 8. Are 9. Did 10. Is 11. Have 12. Does 13. Are 14. Has 15. Does
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