Choose the right verb forms in brackets to complete the sentences.
1. Just look at those dark clouds. I'm sure (it's going to show/it will snow).
2. The show (finishes/is finishing) at 3 o'clock.
3. When (do you go/are you going) to the country - on Saturday or on Sunday?
4. Our train (leaves/is leaving) at 8 p.m. I don't want to miss it.
5. My friend (is going/will go) abroad. He and his family (are planning/plan) to visit some countries in

javajaaripo javajaaripo    1   15.04.2020 12:16    14

vikavika1417 vikavika1417  13.10.2020 07:01

1 its going to snow

2 finishing

3 do you go


дальше не знаю

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