Choose the right variant (25 points) 1. We saw her the door behind her.
a. to come in and close b. come in and close
c. came in and closed d. having come and closed
2. The work has to be done in possible time.
a. the least b. least c. the less d. less
3. I asked the hotel service if I have a cup of coffee in my room.
a. could b. may c. can to d. will be able
4. Your car looks very clean.
a. Did you washed it? b. Had it been washed ?
c. Have you washed it? d. Have you wash it?
5. They asked him what .
a. he wants b. does he want c. did he want d. he wanted.
6. She something to me and then disappeared.
a. whispering b. has whispered c. was whispering d. whispered
7. You’ll understand when you older and wiser.
a. getting b. are c. will be d. will become
8. , can we discuss our plans for the summer now?
a. To the way b. On the way c. By the way d. In the way
9. It half an hour to get there.
a. will take you b. is take you c. take you d. will be take you
10. She didn’t let her in the children’s room.
a. to smoke b. that she smoke c. smoking d. smoke
11. Where when I met you?
a. did you run b. were you running
c. had you run d. were you run
12. I new windows next week.
a. have putted in b. am putting in c. have put in d. puts in
13. Would you mind the TV down?
a. turning b. to turn c. turn d. will turn
14. The money not enough to pay the bill.
a. were b. has c. was d. are

15. “Can I help you?” “I’d like a of milk, please.”
a. box b. pot c. rasher d. carton
16. Don’t phone me tomorrow, I in the garden all day.
a. will be working b. would working
c. work d. will have been working
17. At last I am in London. The weather is nasty. It now.
a. is rain b. rains c. has been raining d. is raining
18. Do they sell clothes here?
a. children’s b. childrens’ c. childrens’s d. childrens
19. of the two pictures do you prefer?
a. What b. Who c. That d. Which
20. If you don’t study for your exams, you won’t progress.
a. do b. make c. happen d. perform
21. Our live would be difficult without electricity.
a. an b. a c. − d. the
22. Jane has got a pet, ?
a. doesn’t she b. has she c. hasn’t she d. hasn’t Jane
23. While I was on holiday, my camera from my hotel room.
a. steal b. was stolen c. stole d. was stealing
24. Take your raincoat. looks as if it’s going to rain.
a. Else b. There c. It d. Here
25. Tom gets a higher salary now. He .
a. has been promoted b. will promote c. is promoting d. promotes.

striyskiy1 striyskiy1    2   26.03.2021 13:10    8

аннасерб аннасерб  25.04.2021 13:13

1. Come in and close the door behind her

2. The work has to be done in the least possible time

3. I asked the hotel service if I could have a cup of coffee in my room

4. Your car looks very clean. Did you wash it?

5. They asked him what does he want

6. She whispered something to me and then disappeared

7. You’ll understand when you are older and wiser

8. By the way can we discuss our plans for the summer now?

9. It will take you half an hour to get there

10. She didn’t let her smoke in the children’s room

11. Where were you running when I met you?

12. I am putting in new windows next week

13. Would you mind turning the TV down

14. The money was not enough to pay the bill

15. Can I help you? I’d like a carton of milk please.

16. Dont phone be tomorrow I will be working in the garden all day

17. At last I am in London. The weather is nasty. It is raining now.

18. Do they sell children’s clothes here?

19. Which of the two pictures do you prefer?

20. If you don’t study for your exams, you won’t make progress

21. Our live would be difficult without the electricity  

22. Jane has got a pet, doesn’t she?

23. While I was on holiday, my camera was stolen from my hotel room.

24. Take your raincoat. It looks as if it’s going to rain

25. Tom gets a higher salary now. He has been promoted

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