Choose the right variant 1. jess was watching / watched tv when the tv suddenly was breaking / broke. 2. while dad was listening / listened to music in the car, he was driving / drove into the back of a bus! 3. my parents were walking / walked home yesterday when they were seeing / saw an asteroid in the sky. 4. oliver climbed / was climbing a mountain when he was dropping / dropped his mp3 player in a river. 5. madonna sang/ was singing when we got/ were getting to the concert.

Михайлов11 Михайлов11    3   13.08.2019 05:10    2

andrwy1229 andrwy1229  04.10.2020 15:10
1 was watching,broke
2 was listening,was driving
3 were walking,saw
4 was climbing,dropped
5 was singing,got
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