Choose the right variant:

1. 1) The children has not been lying in the sun.
2)The children have not been lying in the sun.

2. 1)I has not been sleeping in the last lesson.
2)I have not been sleeping in the last lesson.

3. 1)My father has not be preparing dinner.
2)My father has not been preparing dinner.

ПростоРадмир001 ПростоРадмир001    2   16.04.2020 20:03    11

vera22102007 vera22102007  04.09.2020 06:24

1. 2) так как children это множественное число

2. 2) I, you, we, they HAVE, а he, she, it HAS

3. 2) так как в первом be не в третьей форме (have/has+been+Ving)

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