Choose the right item. 1 She cut/sprained her finger while she was peeling onions with a sharp knife. 2 I slipped and straightened/twisted my ankle.

3 My dad hurt/harmed his back when he fell off

the ladder.

4 I broke/split my arm when I fell off my bike. 5 As he stood up, Jack twisted/banged his head on the shelf.

6 She pulled/pushed a muscle while she was exercising. 7 Joseph bruised/sprained his eye while playing


8 Katie burnt/stung her hand while she was cooking.

elinakosogor30 elinakosogor30    2   20.01.2022 06:06    2

FYBKF FYBKF  20.01.2022 06:10

ответ:1. She cut

2. Twisted

3. Hurt

4. I broke

5. Banged

6. Pushed (точно не знаю)

7. Bruised

8. Burnt


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