Choose the right form of the verb. • every day i ….. to school. a) goes b) gone c) go • i can’t speak to you at the moment – i ….. the cat. a) am feeding b) feed c) fed • i ….. the book and now i can watch tv. a) am reading b) read c) have read • i can’t eat a sandwich as my hands are dirty – i …. the horses. a) groom b) have been grooming c) had been grooming • moscow …. by millions of people every year. a) is visited b) visited c) were visited • this poem … by alexander pushkin. a) were written b) will be written c) was written • my mother likes to travel … car. a) on b) by c) at • my grandfather prefers travelling …. foot. a) on b) by c) at

6811694978ффф 6811694978ффф    3   14.09.2019 13:10    1

gopas11123 gopas11123  07.10.2020 14:19
1 с
2 a
3 c
4 c
5 a
6 c
7 b
8 a
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