Choose the right answer to complete the sentences.
1. Their school is opposite the park, the school of (our/ours) is in front of the museum.
2. -Go straight ahead, turn to the left. It’s a big green house.
-(You are welcome/Thank you).
3. She (says/tells) I can’t miss the railway station.
4. Peter left Paris for New York. He came on the plane and flew there.
5. He is a very busy person.

He travels for business once a week.Use the right forms to complete the text.(travel, go, live, get, easy, stay)
Last week my dad (0)…traveled… to Spain, to Madrid, on business. He (1)… there by plane. In Madrid he (2)… in a big hotel far from the city center. He (3)… there (4)… . My father (5)… in Madrid for two weeks and saw a lot of places of interest in the big city.

Мальвина01 Мальвина01    2   27.05.2020 14:56    0

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