Choose the right answer 1 her cring was his rude words a)because b)the reason c)the reason for d)due to 2i have bougth bananas i love them a)now that b)due to c) the reason why d)because have met we can go to a restaurant a)now that b)due to c)the reason d)because of 4)she bougth the dress thet she liked the colour very mach a)due to the fact b)due to c)because d)the reason why 5)the cuinsine is we have decided to go to italy a)due to b)because c)the reason for d)the reason why

someone5682 someone5682    2   25.09.2019 18:01    4

Ромчик15 Ромчик15  08.10.2020 19:00
1) с
2) d
3) c
4) b
5) хз
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