Choose the gerund or the infinitive. Выберите герундий (деепричастие) или инфинитив
1. I am planning … (to visit/visiting) my granny next week.
2. When they finish … (to eat/eating) their lunch, they’ll go to the office.
3. He suggested … (to buy/buying) some food.
4. Does Sally enjoy … (to go/going) to the gym?
5. Don’t put off … (to write/writing) a report till the end of the month.
6. John refused … (to answer/answering) my question.
7. My brother intends … (to get/getting) married soon.
8. I think she didn’t mean … (to hurt/hurting) you.
9. Fred can’t afford … (to travel/travelling) this year.
10. We expect … (to leave/leaving) tomorrow.
11. Mary decided … (to fly/flying) to Venice.
12. The sportsmen hope … (to get/getting) the best results.

lavelas2008 lavelas2008    1   24.05.2020 23:14    12

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