choose the correct word.
tomorrow's food trends

eating in virtual reality is the latest in technology, and it will make 1) following/attending/eating a diet a piece of cake! it is coming on the market soon and when you try it, you'll feel like you've had a 2) light/small/full meal after eating only a small fraction of the calories! but how does it work? it's really simple: you use virtual reality goggles and other devices to make you feel like you're eating whatever your heart desires! for instance, there is a machine that creates food scents, so you might feel as if you're eating a 3) sweet bitter/salty cake or a 4) creamy/spicy/sour curry. the food you put in your mouth is actually printed from a 3d printer and made of plants, so it's healthy. even 5) heavy/waste/ junk food is guilt-free in virtual reality! ​

nikakim03 nikakim03    2   10.11.2019 10:16    25

kurilen kurilen  23.08.2020 06:49

1. following

2. full

3. sweet

4. spicy

5. junk

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