* Choose the correct word.
She usually the bus at 7:30 in the
A goes B travels C catches
2 lt more than an hour to reach the
A takes
B drives
C lasts
3. We always travel plane to go on
A on B byc in
4. I get the bus outside the supermarket.
A off B in
C up
5 They prefer to go to work on
A car B foot C bus
6 The train journey to Manchester
3 hours.
A takes B ends C catches
7 A travels on water.
A car B train
C hovercraft
8 My dad to work in his car.
A rides B drives C travels
9 I like by train. It's relaxing.
A moving B riding C travelling​

89518099647 89518099647    1   29.04.2020 15:51    0

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