Choose the correct word: a, b, c to fill each gap. 1. Northtown School, __ I go to, is well known for sport.
a) which
b) when
c) where
2. My city’s football team has never __ successful in the championship.
a) been
b) gone
c) had
3. I haven’t visited as many countries __ my sister.
a) as
b) than
c) so
4. As Education Minister, she is responsible __ the quality of education in our
a) to
b) with
c) for
5. __ you think you could help me with my project?
a) Will
b) Do
c) Can

орп21 орп21    2   28.04.2021 11:47    1

Den7373 Den7373  28.04.2021 11:50

1.  a.

2. a.

3. a.

4. c.

5. b.

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