Choose the correct word. 1no/none of my friend uses skype. 2.i get several/a lot emails every day 3.hardly none/any of these texts are important. 4. invite emily and janice to your party. they all/both invited you. 5 paul can pass hos exams with very little/few effort. its not fair. 6 hurry up. we havent for many/much time left. 7. most/any of my classmates have gor facebook accounts. 8. dont help the boys with their homework, there are fifteen of them in the class and none/neither of them helped you

krisdenya2005 krisdenya2005    1   13.06.2019 13:30    5

никита3501 никита3501  10.07.2020 14:51
1) none 2)several 3)none 4) both 5 ) little 6) 7) most 8) none
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