Choose the correct verb forms. 1 I think I'm joining/'ll join this sports club. 2 I think in the future all hobbies will/be are being related to technology and social media. 3 Be careful! You're going to trip/will trip over your skis. 4 The music is too loud. I'll turn/'m going to turn the radio down.

катяшакотик катяшакотик    1   09.09.2020 00:56    6

dobryninatonya dobryninatonya  15.10.2020 19:07

1 I think I 'll join this sports club.  2 I think in the future all hobbies will be related to technology and social media.  3 Be careful! You're going to trip over your skis.  4 The music is too loud. I'll turn the radio down.


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