Choose the correct verb form 1.olivia comes /is coming from italy. 2. john speaks / is speaking three languages. 3. today he wears / is wearing ieans and t-shirt. 4. next year my friend studies / is going to study at university. 5. i went / have gone aboard lasr year. 6. the boy played / plays the piano at the age of four

Pon4ik66 Pon4ik66    2   24.07.2019 17:50    0

Pancho2234 Pancho2234  03.10.2020 11:59
1.Olivia comes from Italy.
2.John speaks three languages.
3.Today he is wearing jeans an T-shirt.
4.Next year my friend is going to study at University.
5.I have gone aboard last year.
6.The boy plays the piano at the age of four.
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