Choose the correct variant. 1. Jack … new to the school. a. am b. is c. are 2. There is a … in the bathroom. a. sink b. wardrobe c. washbasin 3. My parrot Jacko is two … old. a. year b. year’s c. years 4. Jane is tall with …hair. a. small b. wavy c. large 5. Koalas … got grey fur. a. has b. is c. have 6. Have you got the time, please? – Yes, it’s quarter … five. a. at b. past c. after 7. We eat lunch in the … . a. morning b. afternoon c. evening 8. Mr. Brown is … father. a. Sara b. Saras c. Sara’s 9. Have you got … biscuits in the cupboard? a. any b. a c. some 10. How do I look in this new dress? - … looks wonderful on you! a. it b. they c. he 11. She often … to school on foot. a. go b. goes c. is going 12. Molly is from Britain. She is … a. Britain b. British c. American 13. … is your birthday? a. Where b. When c. What 14. What are you … at the moment? a. reading b. read c. reads 15. My aunt and uncle have got three …. a. childs b. children c. childrens 16. Sam wears a warm … in winter because it’s cold. a. trousers b. jacket c. shorts 17. Jake plays football … Sundays. a. at b. in c. on 18. I like bread and cheese. I … eat them for breakfast. a. always b. now c. never 19. You … go snowboarding! There isn’t any snow. a. can b. can’t c. must.

Angelaby Angelaby    3   24.05.2020 19:49    0

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