Choose the correct item. timofey doesn’t like coffee. he drinks little/much coffee. rosa eats little/few bread. gena hasn’t seen much/many films. there is a little/a few tea in druzhok’s cup. mother hasn’t cooked much/many rice. father doesn’t have many/much free time. malysh has got a lot of/much toys. lisa has got a few/a little friends. gena and rosa discussed a few/a little new ideas. druzhok is always talking much/a lot. grandfather knows many/a lot of interesting stories.

kozhoeva2003 kozhoeva2003    2   02.10.2019 04:50    0

NiceLeave NiceLeave  09.10.2020 11:01

Little coffee

Little bread

Many films

A little tea

Much rice

Much free time

A lot of toys

A few friends

A few new ideas

A lot

A lot of interesting stories

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