Choose the correct item. 1 If you study hard, you pass your exams.

A would have B would C will

2 I like people are polite and honest.
A who B which C where

3 It's cold in here. I close the window.
A won't B will C going to
4 What Pat doing yesterday at two o'clock?

A are B was C were

5 They to Spain last year.

A go B been C went

6 John his homework at the moment.
A is doing B does C did

7 I wish he us where he was going.
A tells B told C had told

8 Look at those dark clouds. It rain.
A is going to B won't C will

9 He was having a shower when the phone
A was ringing B rang C ring

10 Pete is on time for school. He's never late!

A sometimes B often C always

11 I have known Robert I was six.

A for B since C ever

12 Can I have book back, please?
A its B our C my

13 Now that she has a job, she move into her own flat.
A will B is going to C won't

14 Ann usually... her room in the afternoons.
A has tidied B tidies C tidied

15 Tom was sleeping the fire

A as soon as B until C when

16 If I you, I'd tell him the truth.

B am A were C had beem

17 If only I... go to Italy.

A will B could Cwould

18 I'd rather in than go out.

A stay B stayed C to stay

19 They house next week.

A moved B are moving C move

20 She here since 1999.

A has lived B lived C was living

21 We'll go cycling It rains.

A if B since C unless

22 This is the hotel we stayed last summer.

A which B where C who

23 I'd rather you now.
A left B will leave C leave

24 If you lied to him, he... angry.

A would have been B was C would be

25 You'd better her the truth.
A told B tell C to tell

lerusik112 lerusik112    3   16.04.2021 17:06    125

ффырыч ффырыч  16.04.2021 17:10

A has lived B lived C was living

21 We'll go cycling It rains.

A if B since C unless

22 This is the hotel we stayed last summer.

A which B where C who

23 I'd rather you now.

A left B will leave C leave

24 If you lie;d to him, he... angry.

A would have been B was C would be

25 You'd better her the truth.

A told B tell C to tell

Xoxoxo4577 Xoxoxo4577  13.01.2024 20:27
1. If you study hard, you will pass your exams.
Explanation: In this sentence, the correct item is "will." It is used to express a future action that is likely to happen. So, if someone studies hard, it is likely that they will pass their exams.

2. I like people who are polite and honest.
Explanation: In this sentence, the correct item is "who." It is used when referring to people or animals. So, the sentence is saying that the speaker likes people who possess the qualities of being polite and honest.

3. It's cold in here. I will close the window.
Explanation: In this sentence, the correct item is "will." It is used to express a future action that the speaker plans to do. So, the speaker is saying that they will close the window because it is cold.

4. What was Pat doing yesterday at two o'clock?
Explanation: In this sentence, the correct item is "was." It is the past tense form of the verb "to be" used with he, she, or it. So, the sentence is asking about Pat's action in the past at a specific time.

5. They went to Spain last year.
Explanation: In this sentence, the correct item is "went." It is the past tense form of the verb "to go." So, the sentence is stating that they traveled to Spain in the past.

6. John is doing his homework at the moment.
Explanation: In this sentence, the correct item is "is doing." It is the present continuous tense of the verb "to do" used to describe an action happening at the current moment. So, the sentence is stating that John is currently engaged in doing his homework.

7. I wish he had told us where he was going.
Explanation: In this sentence, the correct item is "had told." It is used in the past perfect tense to express a wish about a situation that did not happen in the past. So, the speaker is expressing a desire that he had received information about where the person was going.

8. Look at those dark clouds. It is going to rain.
Explanation: In this sentence, the correct item is "is going to." It is used to express a future action that is very likely to happen or is expected to happen based on a present condition or observation. So, the sentence is saying that rain is highly expected based on the appearance of the dark clouds.

9. He was having a shower when the phone rang.
Explanation: In this sentence, the correct item is "rang." It is the past tense form of the verb "to ring." So, the sentence is stating that the phone made a sound in the past while the person was taking a shower.

10. Pete is always on time for school. He's never late!
Explanation: In this sentence, the correct item is "always." It is used to describe a frequency or regularity of an action happening. So, the sentence is stating that Pete is punctual for school and never arrives late.

11. I have known Robert since I was six.
Explanation: In this sentence, the correct item is "since." It is used to show the starting point of an action that continues up to the present. So, the sentence is stating that the speaker has known Robert from the age of six until now.

12. Can I have my book back, please?
Explanation: In this sentence, the correct item is "my." It is used to show possession or ownership. So, the speaker is asking for their own book to be returned.

13. Now that she has a job, she will move into her own flat.
Explanation: In this sentence, the correct item is "will." It is used to express a future action that is likely to happen. So, the sentence is stating that as she now has a job, it is likely that she will move into her own flat in the future.

14. Ann usually tidies her room in the afternoons.
Explanation: In this sentence, the correct item is "tidies." It is the present simple tense form of the verb "to tidy." So, the sentence is stating that Ann regularly cleans or puts her room in order during the afternoons.

15. Tom woke up when the fire started.
Explanation: In this sentence, the correct item is "when." It is used to indicate the specific time or event that triggers another action to happen. So, the sentence is stating that Tom woke up at the moment the fire started.

16. If I were you, I'd tell him the truth.
Explanation: In this sentence, the correct item is "were." It is used in the subjunctive mood to express a hypothetical or unreal situation. So, the sentence is stating that if the speaker were in someone else's position, they would advise telling the truth.

17. If only I could go to Italy.
Explanation: In this sentence, the correct item is "could." It is used to express ability or possibility in a conditional statement. So, the sentence is expressing a wish or desire to be able to go to Italy.

18. I'd rather stay in than go out.
Explanation: In this sentence, the correct item is "stay." It is used to express a preference or choice between two options. So, the sentence is expressing a preference to remain indoors rather than going outside.

19. They are moving to a new house next week.
Explanation: In this sentence, the correct item is "are moving." It is the present continuous tense of the verb "to move." So, the sentence is stating that they are in the process of relocating to a new house in the future.

20. She has lived here since 1999.
Explanation: In this sentence, the correct item is "has lived." It is the present perfect tense of the verb "to live." So, the sentence is stating that she started living in the current location in 1999 and continues to live there.

21. We'll go cycling if it rains.
Explanation: In this sentence, the correct item is "if." It is used to introduce a conditional clause, indicating a possible condition and its potential consequence. So, the sentence is stating that the speaker and others will engage in cycling only if it starts to rain.

22. This is the hotel where we stayed last summer.
Explanation: In this sentence, the correct item is "where." It is used to refer to a specific place or location. So, the sentence is stating that the mentioned hotel is the place where the speaker and others stayed during the last summer.

23. I'd rather you left now.
Explanation: In this sentence, the correct item is "left." It is the past simple tense of the verb "to leave." So, the sentence is expressing a preference for someone to depart at the present moment.

24. If you lied to him, he would be angry.
Explanation: In this sentence, the correct item is "would be." It is used to indicate a likely consequence or result in a hypothetical or unreal situation. So, the sentence is stating that if someone were to lie to him, he would become angry.

25. You'd better tell her the truth.
Explanation: In this sentence, the correct item is "tell." It is used to express a recommendation or advice. So, the sentence is advising someone to inform her of the truth.
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