Choose the correct form of the verbs. 1 Kate was bored because she ……… out all weekend. 
a)didn`t go b) hadn`t gone c) didn`t went
2 We for an hour when it started to rain.
a)had walked b) had been walking c) was walking
3 This time last week we on a beach.
a) were lying b) was lying c) had been lying
4 After they the room, they went to the disco.
a) cleaned b) had been cleaning c) had cleaned
5 I didn't sleep well last night because I about my exams.
a) was worrying b) worried c) had been worrying
6 Daniel felt ill last night because he sweets all day.
a) had eaten b) had been eating c) was eating
7 John the car when it started to rain.
a)had been washing b) washed c) was washing 
8 Paul a DVD yesterday. 
a) didn`t watch b) wasn`t watching c) hadn`t watched
9 Wendy dinner for over two hours before the guests arrived.
a)was cooking b) cooked c)  had been cooking
10 Jim all his homework by the time he went to bed.
a) didn`t finish b) had not finished c) ) didn`t finished

Takashu69 Takashu69    2   17.12.2020 11:39    12

ник4858 ник4858  20.12.2023 16:54
1. Kate was bored because she hadn't gone out all weekend. Explanation: The correct form is "hadn't gone" because it refers to a past action, which is the weekend that just ended. The word "hadn't" is the contraction of "had not" and "gone" is the past participle form of the verb "go". 2. We had been walking for an hour when it started to rain. Explanation: The correct form is "had been walking" because it indicates an action that started in the past and continued up until another point in the past. The word "had" is the past perfect form of the verb "have" and "been walking" is the past participle form of the verb "walk". 3. This time last week we were lying on a beach. Explanation: The correct form is "were lying" because it refers to a past action that happened at a specific time last week. The word "were" is the past tense form of the verb "be" and "lying" is the present participle form of the verb "lie". 4. After they had cleaned the room, they went to the disco. Explanation: The correct form is "had cleaned" because it indicates an action that happened before another past action. The word "had" is the past perfect form of the verb "have" and "cleaned" is the past participle form of the verb "clean". 5. I didn't sleep well last night because I was worrying about my exams. Explanation: The correct form is "was worrying" because it refers to a past action that was happening during a specific time last night. The word "was" is the past tense form of the verb "be" and "worrying" is the present participle form of the verb "worry". 6. Daniel felt ill last night because he had eaten sweets all day. Explanation: The correct form is "had eaten" because it indicates an action that happened before another past action. The word "had" is the past perfect form of the verb "have" and "eaten" is the past participle form of the verb "eat". 7. John had been washing the car when it started to rain. Explanation: The correct form is "had been washing" because it indicates an action that started in the past and continued up until another point in the past. The word "had" is the past perfect form of the verb "have" and "been washing" is the past participle form of the verb "wash". 8. Paul didn't watch a DVD yesterday. Explanation: The correct form is "didn't watch" because it refers to a past action that didn't happen. The word "didn't" is the contraction of "did not" and "watch" is the base form of the verb. 9. Wendy had been cooking dinner for over two hours before the guests arrived. Explanation: The correct form is "had been cooking" because it indicates an action that started in the past and continued up until another point in the past. The word "had" is the past perfect form of the verb "have" and "been cooking" is the past participle form of the verb "cook". 10. Jim hadn't finished all his homework by the time he went to bed. Explanation: The correct form is "hadn't finished" because it indicates an action that didn't happen before another past action. The word "hadn't" is the contraction of "had not" and "finished" is the past participle form of the verb "finish".
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