Choose the correct form 1. i have two hobbies – i play/’m playing volleyball and collect/am collecting stamps 2. i like/’m liking this new camera – it takes/is taking really good pictures 3. this flower doesn’t smell/isn’t smelling very good 4. i usually get/’m usually getting home late on fridays 5. i hardly ever see/’m hardly ever seeing you anymore 6. i learn/’m learning to drive

bokovanatap08wlj bokovanatap08wlj    1   29.09.2019 14:30    7

HappyGamerPro HappyGamerPro  09.10.2020 02:59

1. I have two hobbies – I play volleyball and collect stamps

2. I like this new camera – it takes really good pictures

3. This flower doesn’t smell very good

4. I usually get home late on Fridays

5. I hardly ever see you anymore

6. I learn to drive

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