Choose the correct answers. i wish it didn't rain/wasn't raining. then we could go for a walk. i'd rather you didn't smoke/couldn't smoke in this room please. ben wishes he would be/could be here but unfortunately he has anothet appointment. if he could earn/earned more money, he'd move house. if only she didn't wear/wouldn't wear that pink dress. it really doesn't suit her.

тут8 тут8    1   25.09.2019 23:30    0

Якивк Якивк  08.10.2020 19:31
I wish it wasn’t raining. Then we could go for a walk. I’d rather you couldn’t smoke in this room please. Ben wishes he would be here but unfortunately he has another appointment. If he earned more money, he’d move house. If only she wouldn’t wear that pink dress. It really doesn’t suit her.
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