Choose the correct answers 41.​It rained a lot for weeks so there was a .
A flood
​​​​C hurricane​
B drought
​​​​D tsunami
42.​Mary and I for a meal in the Italian restaurant tonight. I’ve just booked a table.
A will go​​​​
C are going to go
B are going ​​​
D might go
43.Don’t you think people should glass and paper?
A deal with​​​​
C recycle​
B consume
​​​​D head for
44.​I won’t go to the party you go too.
A provided that​​​
C as long as
B unless
​​​​D as soon as
45.​If I don’t understand my homework, me?
A do you help​​​
C are you helping
B will you hel​​​p
D you help
46​.If you plants, they die.
A don’t water​​​
C didn’t water
B won’t water​​​
D wouldn’t water
47.​That child is very , he doesn’t do what his parents tell him to do.
A playful
​​​​C changeable
B arrogant​​​​
D badly-behaved
48.​I had no idea that Mark didn’t like apple pie. If I , I wouldn’t have made it.
A know
​​​​C knew​
B will know ​​​
D had known
49.​I don’t like any insects, especially .
A fleas​​​​
C bats​
B storks
​​D snails
50.​, I’d talk to Sally about the problem.
A If I am you
​​​C If I were you
B If I was you
​​​D If I would be you

ramazan2001xxx ramazan2001xxx    2   06.11.2020 10:13    0

тима421 тима421  06.12.2020 10:14

41. C

42. D

43. A

44. C

45. B

46. B

47. D

48. A

49. B

50. D

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