* Choose the correct answer. What do next weekend? B are you going to C will you to 2 I think 1 to bed. I'm tired. A going B am going C will go 3 They ... study together tomorrow. A will C are going to 4 Temperatures probably rise in the future. A going to B will C are going to 5 What the weather like tomorrow? A is ... going B will ... be C will ... to 6 How about meeting at 7:00? I can't, I visit my grandparents. A is going to B will C am going to 7 Kanat on holiday to Spain tomorrow. A isш going to go B will C is going to 8 Be careful or you ... A will fall Bare going to fall C are falling 9 Jake during his holiday in Cuba. A will dive B dive C is going to dive 10 I'm fed up! making that noise? A Are you stopping B Will you stop C Are you going to stop 11 Oh, it's freezing in here. I the heating on. 12 Look! They fall A will B is foing to C arr going too

* Choose the correct answer. What do next weekend? B are you going to C will you to 2 I think 1 to

ОксанаБ80 ОксанаБ80    1   08.12.2021 18:00    1

Ангелина56533 Ангелина56533  26.01.2022 20:27

1. A

2. C

3. A

4. B

5. B

6. C

7. A

8. A

9. C

10. C

11. C

12. C

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