Choose the correct answer. our new teacher says he'd like … down everything he said. that we must write b) us to write c) us writing d) us write her relatives didn't expect … this gallery. her to visit b) her visiting c) that she to visit d) her visit the teacher wants mary … the poem by heart. learning b) learn c) learnt d) to learn ms green wanted her nephew … her hand. to touch b) touch c) toughed d) will touch

Victoria195 Victoria195    2   03.07.2019 17:10    0

galinarezeda59 galinarezeda59  27.07.2020 16:28
Our new teacher says he'd like b) us to write down everything he said.
Her relatives didn't expect a) her to visit  this gallery.
The teacher wants Mary d) to learn the poem by heart.
Ms Green wanted her nephew a) to touch her hand.
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