* Choose the correct answer.
1 John.. .a snowman now
A making B is making c makes
2 Emma walks to school every morning but
today she the bus.
A catches B catching
Cis catching
3 Tom often shorts in the summer.
A wears B is wearing C wear
4 Brian to his grandma's last Saturday.
A goes B went C is going
5 Cindy usually to work
A drives B drive C is driving
6 We going to school today. It's
A not B don't Caren't
7 We can't go to the beach now. It
A rains Brain
C is raining
8 Danny and John tennis at the moment.
A play B are playing C is playing
9 Are you and Tom going swimming now?
A they are B you are C we are
10 What is James doing? He TV.
A is watching B watches
C watch
11 Jane eating her dinner now?
A Does Bis
C Has
12 David today.
A doesn't work B isn't working
C not working​

Вэшоу Вэшоу    2   12.05.2020 19:59    13

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