Choose the correct answer. only one answer is correct. 1. – can you give me the magazine i asked you for? sorry, i … it at home. 1) forgot 2) have forgotten 3) left 4) have left 2. the story is … unexpectedly. 1) ends 2) is ended 3) finishes 4) is finished 3. you … several mistakes in your composition. 1) made 2) have made 3) did 4) have done 4. a new english-russian … has recently been published. 1) vocabulary 2) vocabularies 3) dictionary 4) dictionaries 5. the lecturer … about w.shakespeare s plays. 1) told 2) was telling 3) spoke 4) was speaking 6. it s the … story i ve ever read. 1) strongest 2) powerfulest 3) most powerful 4) the most strong story 7. it was very dark and we couldn’t t make out anything on the opposite … of the river. 1) shores 2) shore 3) coast 4) bank 8. when i entered the room the child … bitterly and his eyes were red. 1) was crying 2) was shouting 3) cried 4) shouted 9. he … badges for years. 1) has collected 2) has gathered 3) has been collecting 4) has been gathering 10. the teacher hung up the map and said: «bob, … and point out the rivers of the great britain». 1) come 2) go 3) walk 4) go on foot

Karamelka3467 Karamelka3467    1   22.06.2019 14:40    1

йцуячс2 йцуячс2  17.07.2020 18:51
1. – Can you give me the magazine I asked you for? Sorry, I … it at home.  3) left
2. The story is … unexpectedly. 1) ends 2) is ended 3) finishes 4) is finished - ни один не подходит
3. You … several mistakes in your composition. 1) made 2) have made - здесь два варианта приемлемы
 4. A new English-Russian … has recently been published. 3) dictionary
5. The lecturer … about W.Shakespeare's plays. 3) spoke 4) was speaking тоже два приемлемы
6. It's the … story I've ever read. 3) most powerful
7. It was very dark and we couldn’t t make out anything on the
opposite … of the river. 4) bank
8. When I entered the room the child … bitterly and his eyes were
red. 1) was crying
9. He … badges for years. 3) has been collecting
10. The teacher hung up the map and said: «Bob, … and point out
the rivers of the Great Britain». 1) come
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