Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.
It's my birthday next week and __ a party. I'm '_buy a lot of food for my party because only
ten people _ . I hope we __enough sandwiches and pizza for everyone, as I don't want
anyone to be hungry. Last year we had __ sandwiches and cakes so we had to throws_
them away which was annoying.
0 a I'm going b I will have © I'm having
1 a going to
b not going to C won't
2 a are coming b will come c going to come
3 a won't have bare having C will have
4 a a few
b too many c enough
5 a a lot of
b a lot
c too much

Даша0109 Даша0109    3   08.04.2020 14:50    1

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