Choose the correct answer. 1. Timur … football at 8 pm yesterday.
A played
C was playing
B were playing
2. It was cold but the sun … as we left home.
A shone
B was shining
C shined
3. Paula and John … when Paula burnt her hand.
A were cooking
C cooked
B was cooking
4. Inkar was tidying her room and her mum … dinner.
A cooked
B were cooking
C was cooking
5. They were cycling in the park when they … and hit their heads.
A crashed
B were crashing
C was crashing
6. What … this morning at eight o'clock?
A you were doing
B did you do
C were you doing
7. We … when you called but we had the TV on loud.
A didn't sleep
B weren't sleeping
C wasn't sleeping
8. Emily … a great film at the cinema on Friday night.
A was seeing
B did see
C saw
9 How …?
A was it happening
B did it happen
C it happened

grskdarina grskdarina    3   03.03.2021 08:53    2

nonolo07 nonolo07  02.04.2021 08:55

1 was playing

2 was shining

3 were cooking

4 was cooking

5 crashed

6were you doing

7 weren't sleeping

8 saw

9 did it happen

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