Choose the correct answer
1. Jane is good at friends
a.making b. make make d. made e. makes
2. In Paris the best way to get around is foot or metro
a. With\ at b. in\ about c. on\by d. on\ upon e. at\ for
3. It isn't easy a foreign language
4. The rise of the Internet, information technology is now begining to have influnce on education
a. many b. many more c. more much d. much more e. much money
5. She didn't know they a party for her birthday
6. You can take this book in the library. You buy it
a. don't have to b. shall c. don. t need to d. don't have e. has to
7. These days the traffic is than three years ago
a. good b. badder c.bad d. worse e better
8. I don't mind
a. to clean my room b. cleaning my room c. playing squash with my friends d. to play squash with my friends e. play squash with my friends
9. France is than Italy
a. bigger b. the biggest c. big d. larger e. largest
10. Choose the correct sentences
A. I drink too much coffee b. I drink too coffee c. I was drink water enough d. I don' drink coffee e. He has a few good friends
11. These jeans are small. Do you have them one size bigger?
a.. too many b. Too c. very d. very much e. a bit
12. Choose the synonyms for the word ''pretty''
a. beautiful b. Good- looking c. had d. pleasant e. ugly
13. I was incredibly lucky. I won
A. A salary b. A prize c. an exam d. The competition e. & 100
14. Choose the correct sentences
A. Do you know how making bread? b. Doing exercises is very good for you c. It isn' t easy tp learn Chinese D. Sandra left without saying goodbye to anuone e. Sandra left without say goodbye to anyone
15. Choose the correct sentences
A. I hate getting up early in the morning
b . I wanting get up early in the morning c. Ilike getting up early in the morning
d. I getting up early in the morning
e. I don' t mind getting up early in the morning
16. They work today. It's Sunday
A. Don't have to
B. Haven't to
c. Didn't had to
e. Do haven't to
17. Entrance to the museum is free. We pay
a. mustn't b. hadn't c. don't have to d. did mustn't e. didn't must
18. You play football near the road. It's dangerous
a. Has to b. didn't mustn't c .ustn't d. didn't must e. don't must to
19. We send this documentt immediately
a. has to b. doesn't have to c. Hasn't to d. Has not to e. Have to
20. I revise the rules tonight. I have an exam tomorrow
a. Mustn't b.. Must no c. don't must d. must e. must to

BlackPupils BlackPupils    3   21.04.2020 11:23    4

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