Choose the correct answer. 1. Before Magda… (to exhibit) her paintings, she… (to work) for 15 years.
a) had exhibited; had been working
b) exhibited; has been working
c) exhibited; had been working
d) has exhibited; has worked
2. I … at the hotel for a fortnight when I received your letter.
a) stayed
b) had stayed
c) had been staying
d) was staying
3. Ann told me that she… them to arrive so soon and was very much surprised when they had.
a) hadn't expected
b) didn't expect
c) doesn't expect
d) hasn’t expected
4. They said that they (to negotiate) for 3 hours.
a) Were negotiating
b) Had been negotiating
c) Negotiated
d) Had negotiated
5. The woman standing near the box-office inquired if I knew how much the tickets… .
a) are
b) were
c) had been
d) have been

6. Match the questions with the answers

1. Coca-Cola is a mass market product, it
2. Selling special-interest holidays is a niche market, it
3. Rolex watches sell in a luxury market, they are
4. An export market
5. A home market
a) is a small but often profitable market;
b) sells to large numbers of people
c) is in the producer’s country
d) high quality and expensive goods
e) is outside the producer's country
7. Put the words in the correct order.
Driving/ They/ been /for/ petrol/had/ ran out/ five /when/ hours /they/ of.
8. …tense is used to describe the events that have started in the past and still continuing or have stopped just a little time back.
a) Present Perfect
b) Past Perfect
c) Present Perfect Continuous
d) Present Continuous

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