Choose the correct adverb to complete the sentences. Дополните предложения подходящим наречием.

The journey took us deep/deeply into the country.
I was deep/deeply shocked by the cost of the ticket.
It's rough/roughly five kilometers to the next village,
The sight of homeless people sleeping rough/roughly makes me really sad.
We should get a pretty/prettily good deal at the hostel,
You need to dress comfortably, not pretty/prettily!
They stayed somewhere near/nearly.
We've near/nearly reached the end of our trip.
Which flight goes direct/directly to Moscow?
The receptionist will be with you direct/directly.
No one I know has travelled as wide/widely as you!
The door was left wide/widely open.

kravcukpolap08qwd kravcukpolap08qwd    1   27.02.2021 23:41    14

TipsSpeed TipsSpeed  29.03.2021 23:43

The journey took us deep into the country.

I was deeply shocked by the cost of the ticket.

It's roughly five kilometers to the next village,

The sight of homeless people sleeping rough makes me really sad.

We should get a pretty good deal at the hostel,

You need to dress comfortably, not prettily!

They stayed somewhere near.

We've nearly reached the end of our trip.

Which flight goes directly to Moscow?

The receptionist will be with you direct.

No one I know has travelled as wide as you!

The door was left widely open.


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